
Tomcat Clustering host

Dedicated TomcatPlus hosting service

Tomcat Plus Dedicated Hosting is a new service from JavaHost to businesses, companies and startups that want to keep their Java-based project or projects up to date.
These hosts are for those users whose software development process It is evolutionary, or it is evocative, or it is a repetitive cascade, or they are in the debugging phase of their Java software, they need hosts to help them both in debugging their software and to automate parts of their development phase. It is very convenient.
Tomcat Plus host allows you to:

  • Provide LoadBalancing infrastructure alongside Tomcat web server
  • Deploy management independently
  • Manage domains connected to hosts separately
  • Access to DataBase and create new DataBases independently
  • Provide control panel for log management
  • Provide control panel for IP management of your web site visitors
  • Professional FTP control panel
  • New plugins based on your Services

Dedicated Tomcat Plus with dedicated server and SSD hard drive

In this service, your web server is provided on a virtual server with your own resources.
The hard drive of this server is SSD.
The number of CPU cores of each virtual server and the amount of RAM can be seen in the table below. .
You can increase it in the future in any plan you have, depending on the type of work you do.
In the Tomcat Plus service, we put good free plugins like CI / CD next to Tomcat.

Dedicated TomcatPlus server with SSD plans

plan 1 plan 2 plan 3 plan 4 plan 5
2 GB 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB
1 Core 1 Core 2 Core 4 Core 8 Core
20 GB SSD 40 GB SSD 80 GB SSD 100 GB SSD 120 GB SSD
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
1 Projects 2 Projects 3 Projects 5 Projects Unlimited Projects

289,000 USD
170,000 USD


391,000 USD
230,000 USD


620,500 USD
365,000 USD


926,500 USD
545,000 USD


1,487,500 USD
875,000 USD


3,468,000 USD
1,700,000 USD


4,692,000 USD
2,300,000 USD


7,446,000 USD
3,650,000 USD


11,118,000 USD
5,450,000 USD


17,850,000 USD
8,750,000 USD

TomEE Server

TomEE v4, v5, v6, v7, v8 on JDK 1.4 - 1.8 or JRockKit

Java Frameworks

JDBC , Struts , Hibernate , Spring , EJB , JSF ,JSP , Jasper Reports , Java Mail ,...

JBoss server
DataBase Types

Mysql , PostgresSQL or Oracle-10g

Management and Monitoring

Control panel for reboot and troubleshooting + 24 * 7 alert and monitoring


Execute other requested services alongside your main web server.

Apache Web Server

Forward connections to the Tomcat server via mod_proxy or mod_ajp

Special Services Dear customers, our technical team is ready to provide the following services to you.


Free 7/24 support in the form of chat and ticketing for launching your Java application


Set up the database and related software you need


Free web server configuration for your convenience


A complete wiki of all the tips you need to set up your own web application!